Thursday, February 15, 2007

Birth Story

February 10, 2007 Saturday

After an uneventful doctor's appointment on Thursday, I was pretty bummed out. I thought for sure I would have had the baby on Friday. Saturday was a lazy day. I took a shower but didn't put any makeup on or get dressed up. I watched basketball all day. In fact, I sat on my exercize ball and bounced through all the games. I bounced specifically hard during the Texas Tech game...yelling at them while eating chips and hot sauce. I had remembered Linda, my mother-in-law, telling me that she ate some spicy food the day Jeff was born. Around 8:30pm, I called Justin & asked him to bring me something VERY chocolatey!

That night around 9:10pm I was lying in bed and felt a pretty strong contraction. It was odd because I hadn't had any all day. I sat up and had the wierd urge to push. Nothing happened, so I got up to go to the bathroom & then to the internet. I checked my pregnancy message boards and got up to go to bed. Suddenly I felt like I was wetting myself...but I KNEW my water had broken. Sure enough! I called Justin again. He almost didn't believe me, but hurried home. I then called my mom. By 9:40pm, we were on the road to Wichita Falls. We came up on a police car and passed him...sure enough we got pulled over. Justin knew him...and I thought he was never going to let us go...he wanted to chat!

By 10:30 we were at the hospital. I chose to walk to the room...and water was gushing! Better yet, they made me strip down completely, other than a gown, in the room. I was only dialated to a 3. They told me that if I hadn't improved in an hour they would give me pitocin. I did NOT want ANY drugs, even an epidural. They checked me an hour later and I was at a 4. By that time Linda was there. Around 3am or so my family was there also. I continued very slowly progressing. My family helped me through the contractions. They really weren't that bad. I spent my time on the birthing ball or walking or leaning on Justin.

Labor continued through the morning and afternoon. I got maybe an hour of sleep. By 7pm, the contractions were getting a lot worse, I was dialated to about a 7 or 8. By 9pm I was a 9. The nurse decided to have me start pushing through the 9 at about 9:30. I could tell I wasn't pushing good...or was unable to. He was so high up in me that it was worthless. However, this was the beginning of the worst pain in my life. Cole was "sunny side up", meaning he was head down, but his spine was pushing against mine...back labor. Duh...i should have told someone that before. I hadn't experienced any belly labor..only in the back. By the time the doctor checked me, I had swelled to a 6-7 in dialation. He told me I had two options. 1-get an epidural to relax me & see if I open back guarantee. 2-c-section. I was in so much pain (biting Justin's hand) and so tired & hungry...I chose the c-section. The doctor though this was a good idea because he thought the baby was stuck anyway. I just couldn't wait for the spinal...I was in soooooooo much pain.

THIRTY MINUTES LATER...I was wheeled into the OR and given the most wonderful shot ever. The pain was immediately gone. I discovered that Dr. Hurst was actually from some South American country and we spoke Spanish. (Obviously I was drugged..I never do that in person!) Then Justin came in and we got started. I didn't feel anything, even the tugging they say you feel. I remember the doc saying, "Wow, this is a BIG baby!". A few seconds later I heard the most amazing sound ever...Cole crying. It was very surreal, that MY baby? Justin immediately went to him & was with him every second after that in the hospital. About 10minutes later they brought him to me. He was so cute & had a swollen lip...not sure why. I was so nautious that I made Justin take him away so I wouldn't get sick on him. He was born on Sunday, February 11th at 10:24 pm. 25 hours after labor began! He was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 22.5 inches long. Long and skinny!

I was sewed up & sent to recovery and waited for my baby. It took about an hour! His blood sugar was so low from trying to come out that he was in danger! Justin had to feed him a glucose water bottle. As soon as he was in the clear, he was brought to me to nurse. He wasn't very hungry that time, but he SURE made up for it later.

We stayed in the hospital from Saturday through Wednesday...valentines day!