Monday, February 4, 2008

Finally I'm updating

When I got sick...I just let the blog slide...sorry!!!


New things with Cole...
~He is ALMOST walking. We catch him from time to time standing on his own. Last night at Mimi & Papa's house...he took a lunge/step toward me from the coffee table. It was not an official step...but I think that is right around the corner!
~He got a molar! I think he skipped a few's really weird. He completely skipped all of his canine teeth & got a molar on the bottom.
~He is on whole milk about 75% of the time. During the day he only drinks whole milk, but at night & morning it's half formula and half milk. It could probably be all whole milk...but we have a lot of we want to use it!
~He says MANY words!! Mama (yes...finally), Dada, KeeKat (Kitty Kat...that's the one that he ONLY says when he sees Cooter), No No (I feel bad about that one!), Hi, Bye Bye, and AAAYAAAA? which means, Hello?

Here are some photos of the cutie pie!